Catalog of Ministries

Catalog of Ministries

Catalog of Ministries

Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to contribute to an organization with an existing NCCF fund, if you wish to create a fund to benefit an organization, or if you wish to contribute to NCCF’s mission, please contact us below.

If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.

If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.

6 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y


Catholic Church Extension Society

Photo of Catholic Church Extension Society
Contact: Mark Andel, Director of Communications Address 150 S. Wacker Drive,20th Floor Chicago Illinois 60606 United States Phone: 312-795-6074 Link:

The Catholic Church Extension Society exists to sustain and extend the Catholic Faith in poor and remote mission areas of the United States where diocesan resources are insufficient. Catholic Extension builds national awareness and raises funds for the Church’s needs in these communities so as to enable the essential mission of Catholic evangelization.

More about us:
With the help of generous donors, since 1905 more than $450 million has been distributed to mission dioceses to assist church building and repair, missionary salaries, seminarian education, evangelization and outreach programs, campus ministry and disaster relief.

Catholic Extension donations assist in the construction and repair of church buildings – to date more than 12,000 across the U.S.
Grants to parishes for religious education programs are critical in passing the Faith on to the next generation of Catholics.
Each year Catholic Extension helps nearly 400 future priests pay for the cost of their seminary education and provides grants for lay ministry formation.
Donations help fund the salaries of priests, religious and laity who minister to Catholics in poor, remote regions.
The sacraments, religious instruction and counseling are provided at more than 118 college campuses with grants from Catholic Extension.
Catholic Extension donations come to the aid of struggling parishes when disaster strikes their communities.

Catholic Distance University

Photo of Catholic Distance University
Contact: Damian Lenshek, Director of Operations Address 120 East Colonial Highway Hamilton Virginia 20158 United States Phone: 540-338-2700 Link:

??Using distance education, Catholic Distance University educates learners worldwide in theology, the liberal arts, and faith development for the growth of faith in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Foundation of Maine

Photo of Catholic Foundation of Maine
Contact: Elizabeth Badger Address 510 Ocean Avenue Portland ME 04011 United States Phone: 207-321-7280 Link:

The mission of the Catholic Foundation of Maine is to provide Catholics with the opportunity to financially support the vitality of parishes and other Catholic organizations, institutions and ministries within the state of Maine now and in the future.

Catholic Leadership Institute

Photo of Catholic Leadership Institute
Contact: Sue Sowinski Address 3040 Swedesford Rd. Suite 3040 Wayne Pennsylvania 19087 United States Phone: 610-363-1315 Link:

Catholic Leadership Institute provides bishops, priests, deacons and lay persons in the Roman Catholic Church with world-class, pastoral leadership formation and consulting services that strengthen their confidence and competence in ministry, enabling them to articulate a vision for their local church, to call forth the gifts of those they lead, and to create more vibrant faith communities rooted in Jesus Christ.

Catholic Media Productions / Nashville Catholic Radio

Photo of Catholic Media Productions / Nashville Catholic Radio
Contact: Ron Fleitz Address 2800 McGavock Pike Nashville TN 37214 United States Phone: 615-479-3453 Link: Link: Catholic Media Productions

The mission of The Ministry of Nashville catholic radio is to support the diocese in the new evangelization by shining the light of our Catholic faith through media platforms and relevant programming. We help our catholic community bridge the gap between faith and everyday life. Nashville Catholic Radio serves as an extension of every pastor’s ministry in educating and evangelizing with communication tools that include radio, online streaming, podcasts, and social media. This includes radio shows about the Catholic faith, daily mass at noon, the divine mercy chaplet, and family rosary.

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) (New York, NY)

Photo of Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) (New York, NY)
Contact: Adrian Kerrigan, Senior Vice President for Advancement Address 10 West 17th Street New York New York 10011 United States Phone: (212) 242-7757 Link:

Catholic Medical Mission Board’s inception dates to 1912.  It is a charitable non-profit organization working to make health care available to the world’s needy.  CMMB’s medical volunteer, donated medicines, HIV/AIDS, child survival and neglected tropical diseases programs focus on making health care available to all without discrimination.  Over the last decade, CMMB has provided more than $1 billion in support to help those in more than 100 countries. In the United States, CMMB has offices in New York City and Washington, D. C.  Globally, it has offices in Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Peru, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda and Zambia.

Catholic Memorial School

Photo of Catholic Memorial School
Contact: Stephanie Truesden Address 235 Baker St West Roxbury Maine 02132 United States Phone: 617-469-8036 Link:

Mission Statement

Founded in 1957, Catholic Memorial is a college preparatory school for boys founded in the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice and guided by the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brothers Education. Our faith and learning
community is dedicated to transforming boys’ lives though academics, arts, athletics, and campus ministry. We
challenge students to pursue excellence, embrace Gospel values and lead through service.

We enroll 615 boys in grades 7-12 and award over $4.5 million in financial aid to 66% of our students. Students
complete over 16,000 hours of community service annually and participate in domestic and international Brother
Edmund Rice Service Initiative trips often with brother Blessed Edmund Rice schools. Approximately 50% of CM seniors enroll in Catholic colleges after graduation. We offer 40 teams across 15 sports and have won 39 team state
championships and 51 individual state athletic championships. CM’s Speech & Debate Program, led by Br. Anthony
Cavet, has produced countless champions including team state champions in five of the last six years.

Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance

Photo of Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance
Contact: Robert Tunmire Address 5034 Franklin Ave. Waco TX 76710 United States Phone: 254-744-4199 Link:

To equip lay leaders to better evangelize, instruct and disciple men to a greater relationship with Christ.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA)

Photo of Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA)
Contact: Msgr. John E. Kozar (President) Address 1011 First Avenue New York New York 10022 United States Phone: 212-826-1480 Link:

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) was founded by the Holy Father to share the love of Christ with the churches and peoples of the East. We work for, through and with the Eastern Catholic Churches to identify needs and implement solutions. We connect you to your brothers and sisters in need. Together, we build up the Church, affirm human dignity, alleviate poverty, encourage dialogue — and inspire hope.

Catholic Negro American Mission Board

Photo of Catholic Negro American Mission Board
Contact: Reverend Wayne C. Paysse, Executive Director Address 2021 H Street NW Washington District of Columbia 20006 United States Phone: 202-331-8542 Link:

A commission was established by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore for the Catholic missions among the African and indigenous peoples, to raise and distribute the funds collected for this purpose annually throughout the United States. The incorporation by the hierarchy in 1907 was designed to foster a missionary spirit among Catholics.

The legacy of Mother Katharine Drexel, canonized in 1980, lives on through the continued activities of the Catholic Negro American Mission Board.

Catholic Radio Association, Inc.

Photo of Catholic Radio Association, Inc.
Contact: Stephen Gajdosik Address 121 Broad St Charleston South Carolina 29401 United States Phone: 843-853-2300 Link:

The purpose of the Catholic Radio Association is to serve the Church in its mission
to bring all people to holiness in Jesus Christ by assisting and uniting Catholic
radio apostolates to reach more people with efficacious programming.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) (Baltimore, MD)

Photo of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) (Baltimore, MD)
Contact: Laura C. Mirkovic Address 209 West Fayette Street Baltimore Maryland 21201 United States Phone: (410) 625-2220 Link:

Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. Today in more than 80 countries around the world, the activities of CRS reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it pertains to the alleviation of human suffering, the development of people and the fostering of charity and justice in the world.

Catholic Theological Union at Chicago

Photo of Catholic Theological Union at Chicago
Contact: William Booth or Patricia Shevlin Address 5401 S. Cornell Chicago IL 60615 United States Phone: 773-753-7473 Link:

Catholic Theological Union, the largest Catholic graduate school of theology and ministry in the United States, was founded in 1968 in the renewed spirit and vision of the Second Vatican Council. Through its internationally-renowned faculty, CTU educates over 500 women and men annually—ordained and lay, international and ethnically diverse— for service in the church and to the world. The primary mission of the Catholic Theological Union is the academic and pastoral formation of students preparing for priesthood and a variety of other ministries in the United States and throughout the world. The school also provides continuing theological education for clergy, religious, and lay persons. CTU is committed to theological education and scholarship within a community of faith through interaction with a living Catholic tradition and ecumenical, interfaith, and cross-cultural perspectives and resources.


Catholic Volunteer Network

Photo of Catholic Volunteer Network
Contact: Jim Lindsay Address 6930 Carroll Ave Suite 820 Takoma Park Maryland 20912 United States Phone: 301-270-0900 ext. 18 Link:

Catholic Volunteer Network is a national membership organization of Christian volunteer and mission programs that fosters and promotes full-time national and international service opportunities for people of all backgrounds, ages and skills. Catholic Volunteer Network supports and enhances the work of its membership by providing training and resources, networking opportunities, and national advocacy. Catholic Volunteer Network represents 200 member volunteer programs, which collectively place more than 19,000 volunteers annually in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and in 112 countries worldwide.

Catholic Youth Foundation USA

Photo of Catholic Youth Foundation USA
Contact: Cathrina L. Buntua, MSW Address 415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 40 Washington District of Columbia 20017 United States Phone: 202-636-3825 Link:

Catholic Youth Foundation USA serves the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry by providing financial resources at the local, diocesan, regional, and national levels to promote effective and innovative youth ministry to assure a faithful future.
Our goals include:

Supporting the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in their ministry to young people
Providing scholarships for young people to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference and for adult leaders to attend the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry
Awarding grants for youth ministry projects
Aiding in the development of youth ministry programs for culturally diverse communities
Providing outreach to youth in crisis
Training youth ministers