Catalog of Ministries
Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.
If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.
Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities
The Sisters of St Francis of the Neumann Communities is a congregation of women religious comprised of 500 Catholic sisters who serve in the ministries of education, healthcare, pastoral care, mission work, social services, retreat work and prayer in three countries and 15 U.S. states/territories. For more than 150 years, the mission of the Sisters of St Francis of the Neumann Communities has remained the same: to serve the poor and vulnerable. Each day we strive to live out our directional statement: Rooted in the Gospel and energized by the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare, we seek to be women of vision living in right relationship with God, one another and all creation.
Their 150 year legacy of service includes:
- The sisters have founded, and continue to administer and teach in more than 350 Catholic preschools, elementary and high schools, educating more than five million students.
- More than 12,000 nurses have been trained at nursing schools founded and administered by the Sisters of St. Francis.
- Tens of millions of sick and aged have been/are cared for in hospitals, health care and adult-care facilities founded by the Sisters of St. Francis.
- More than 145,000 children have been cared for in day care centers and former orphanages founded and administered by the Sisters of St. Francis.
- Sisters serving at missions in Brazil, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, Nigeria and Kenya have provided food, shelter, education and prayer to the poorest of the poor. Sisters continue to minister in Kenya, Peru and Puerto Rico.
- Presently, 500 sisters spend countless hours a week in adoration offering prayers of praise and petition to God for the intentions of friends, donors and sisters in the community.
- Three spiritual retreat centers in New York and Pennsylvania have served tens of thousands of people for a combined 100 years.
- Sisters have served at hundreds of parishes across the country and around the world.
Leaving a Legacy
- A special example of the Sisters of St. Francis’ unwavering service to those most vulnerable is our own Saint Marianne Cope. From 1883 until her death in 1918 she cared for the Hawaiian Islands’ sick poor, especially the victims of leprosy. A Sister of St. Francis, she was declared Blessed in 2005 and will be canonized a saint in 2012. Her pending canonization will make her one of only 12 saints in U.S. history.
- With 22 sponsored ministries, the sisters will continue to have a presence in communities for generations to come.
Sisters of St. Francis of Tiffin, OH
We, Tiffin Franciscan, in the spirit of Francis and Clare, are drawn ever more deeply into union with God through contemplation-action, we choose as our own the goals of care of creation, peacemaking and concern for the poor. We challenge each other and society to reverence creation and to be in harmony with it. We commit ourselves to on-going conversation in our use of natural resources. Recognizing our oneness with all peoples as brothers and sisters and abhorring the violence within the human family, we proclaim the ‘pace e bene’ of Francis to break the cycle of violence. We commit ourselves to be forgivers and reconcilers among those with whom we live and minister. Recognizing our oneness with the most vulnerable of society and decrying the reality that many persons are marginalized and disenfranchised, we work toward alleviating their suffering and seek justice. We commit ourselves to improve the conditions of those lacking basic necessities of life.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province (Latham, NY)
Called by God and passionate for the mission of Jesus, the Sisters of St. Joseph come together to serve all persons. With a distinctive spirit of hospitality and a particular concern for the poor, we witness to the Gospel by being a unifying and reconciling presence to a world in need.
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon (Beaverton, PA)
The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, in response to God’s call and inspired by the zeal and courage of their foundress, share in Jesus’ mission of proclaiming the good news of God’s love. In keeping with their community history and charism, they live as women of prayer and serve as instruments of healing and reconciliation through an environment of justice, peace, compassion, and respect for all peoples. In response to the needs in contemporary society, they commit to recognize, affirm and celebrate the dignity and sacredness of each individual and to empower others in ministry. The Sisters provide spiritual and emotional support to parents, teachers, family caregivers, service providers, and volunteers and enable people to recognize and develop their personal strengths and abilities.
Sisters of the Good Shepherd-Province of New York (New York, NY)
The Sisters of the Good Shepherd, an international congregation of religious women numbering 4800 and located in 68 countries, share the vision of our foundress that God is a compassionate Shepherd. Convinced that the heart of the Good Shepherd is a relationship expressed through ministry, community life, and prayer, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd seek to foster in each person a sense of belonging, dignity, and hope. They position themselves to help people build strong lives and neighborhoods through counseling, education, community action, day and foster care, adoption, and a host of community-based programs. The Good Shepherd’s apostolic works focus on the needs of women and children, who disproportionately represent the poor of our world.
Sisters of the Living Word
The Sisters of the Living Word are a community of 50+ vowed women religious focused on reflecting and affirming the Living Word of God in situations where the Word needs to be spoken and reflected. We especially minister to those who are oppressed in various ways, bringing new life. Responding to urgent needs of our times we serve in education, pastoral and parish ministries, healing ministries, spiritual care and faith development, and social service ministries. We likewise devote energy to advocacy for immigrants and refugees, the homeless, victims of human trafficking and the care of the earth. Our congregation was founded in 1975, as a diocesan congregation in the Archdiocese of Chicago, with Sister Annamarie Cook named as Foundress. We currently live and minister in the Midwest and South (Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, Florida, and Missouri). Your investment in the Sisters of the Living Word sustain our ministries, care for our elderly sisters, and continue our mission in works of justice and peace.
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The IHM Educational Enrichment Institute (EEI) is a supplemental educational service whose purpose is to assist all learners, children as well as adults, to achieve maximum academic growth. The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania, operates this program. The IHM Sisters work together to meet the educational, healthcare, social and spiritual needs of those whom we serve. The learning style of each participant is addressed by multi-faceted individualized instruction.
We believe that high self- esteem, motivation and positive reinforcement generate joy through learning. The certified professional staff consists of IHM Sisters who are dedicated to teaching and helping young people to reach their potential. The Sisters have taught various subjects at elementary, high school and college levels and employ quality teaching methods and materials.
The IHM Congregation is a 501(c)(3), religious organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
SOAR! Support Our Aging Religious
The mission of SOAR! is to:
• raise and provide funds for congregations to meet immediate needs of their retired and infirm members;
• educate the public about the serious retirement needs confronting elderly religious; and
• develop a national network of concerned individuals who wish to respond to this need.
The mission of SOAR! brings together people from all religious denominations whose lives have been touched by the unparalleled contributions of Catholic Sisters, Brothers and Priests. ??
Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Atlanta
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta empowers people, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or faith, to achieve self-sufficiency by offering financial, material, educational, and spiritual support and by collaborating with others to develop and deliver programs and services that help those in need.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of San Mateo County
In the spirit of love and justice, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of San Mateo County (SVdP) provides person-to-person services of time, talent and resources to help our neighbors in need. SVdP respects the dignity of every person. We provide Safety-Net services for families and individuals in our community who are often suffering, forgotten and deprived–the working poor, the homeless, the incarcerated, and all people living on the margins. We also seek systemic change solutions to move people out of poverty.
Sojourner Place (Spokane, WA)
Sojourner Place, sponsored by the Sisters of Providence, provides housing and support for homeless economically or emotionally oppressed women in transition who are motivated to grow toward self-responsible, independent living.
Solidarity Bridge
At Solidarity Bridge, we seek a just, compassionate, and interdependent world, where the health needs of those most vulnerable are prioritized and medical professionals have the necessary resources to serve their communities. We are a lay mission of the Archdiocese of Chicago, our work is rooted in the Catholic faith and its tradition of social justice. In a spirit of solidarity, we partner with communities in Bolivia and Paraguay to increase access to safe, affordable surgery and other essential health care. During the new coronavirus pandemic, our mission has remained active and our work is more important than ever.
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project, Inc. (South Central LAMP) (Los Angeles, CA)
Believing that together it can be a light in the darkness, South Central LAMP provides a supportive, nurturing presence in the everyday lives of women and their families. South Central LAMP develops programs that strengthen mutual interdependent relationships and foster self-esteem. LAMP offers Parenting I and II classes, English as a Second Language I and II, and group and individual counseling program. Child care is offered for all programs at South Central LAMP. Their target population is largely Hispanic and lives in several economically depressed neighborhoods of South Central Los Angeles.
Southwest Visions, Inc. (Baltimore, MD)
Believing in the dignity of all people and their right to decent, affordable housing, Southwest Visions provides low-income rental and home ownership opportunities, thereby fostering change in individual lives while creating a more stable community in southwest Baltimore City. Human dignity and quality of life for the individuals served is always first priority. Southwest Visions seeks to collaborate and partner with other organizations to improve the standard of living through spiritual, social, health, environmental and security needs of individuals, families and neighborhoods.
Saint Brigid of Kildare’s SPiCE program (Special People
In Catholic Education) advocates serving the educational needs of children with learning differences and benefits all children by promoting diversity in the classroom. SPiCE supports the enrichment of the learning environment for all children in the parish school and the parish religious education program, through teacher training, dedicated personnel, support materials, special equipment, and parent education. We collaborate with a small but growing number of parish SPiCE committees in the Columbus Diocese, working together to promote and expand a commitment to inclusive Catholic education
at primary and secondary levels.
Spirit of Faith Adoptions
Spirit of Faith Adoptions is a Christian Ohio adoption agency that exists because God loves
adoption and we thereby seek the growth of God’s kingdom through adoption.The purpose of
Spirit of Faith Adoptions, Inc. (“SOFA”) is to help open doors between Orphans and Mothers
and Fathers waiting to become their parents. Our vision is to do our part to keep doors open so
that children who are in desperate need of parents are united with a permanent, loving family that
professes a faith in Jesus Christ. The following is the Apostles Creed and the basis of that faith
in with SOFA and its families shall abide by:
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of Heaven and Earth;
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
bom of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was cmcified, dead, and buried.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended into Heaven,and sits at the right hand of God the Father Ahnighty;
from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
Spiritan Worldwide Aid Foundation (Wheaton, MD)
Our fundamental driving force is the Christian Vision, the mandate of Jesus Christ to love our neighbor, especially as it pertains to the poor. The development of people and the fostering of charity and justice in the world is equally our objective. The Foundation’s policies reflect and express the teaching of the Catholic Church. As such, it is open to all peoples in good will. The Spiritan Foundation is the fundraising organization for the East and West Provinces of the Holy Ghost Fathers, Brothers, and Associates. The purpose of the Foundation is to raise funds and awareness about the Congregation and the Provinces. It is also responsible for educating the public to its Spiritan charism and promoting its apostolate.
Mission Statement:
The mission of SPIRITUS is to inspire young Catholics as disciples of Jesus so they will spread the Gospel and renew the Church!
St Anthony on the Lake
Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ; commit to worship and lifelong faith formation; serve others in need.
St Camillus Center for Spiritual Care
The Mission of the St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care is to accompany people in the midst of suffering with holistic healing and hope.