“The Poor Should Never Be Treated Poorly”

Pure evil. I heard these words spoken in reference to one of the murderous events that have occurred in our nation over the past month. While emotionally I resonate with the sentiment they express, intellectually I question the syntactical accuracy of these two words. How…

Giving to Those Who Have Given Generously

Giving to Those Who Have Given Generously

David Brooks volunteers at My Brother’s Keeper in Easton, Mass. He recently established an annuity with Ignatian Volunteer Corps. I write this reflection during the Lenten season in which the Church calls us to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  I particularly want to reflect on almsgiving…

Non-fake Media

I had blood drawn this week for a routine physical exam. Though I arrived in time for my appointment I was obliged to wait a half hour in a sitting room with a dozen others. I didn’t mind the delay as I had brought reading…

St. Gaspar Melchior Balthazar del Bufalo

I’ll tip my cap to those of you who recognize the name of this saint and know the name of the Congregation he founded.  (No fair consulting the Magi).* One treasured benefit of being involved with the NCCF community is meeting individuals and communities who…

A Provocative Bumper Sticker

Instead of taking the bus I sometimes drive to work, a change that allows me to study bumper stickers. Recently I came across this one: “American Values Are Progressive Values”. I thought about this and now wonder if the correct articulation of the bumper’s intended…

Sinister Philanthropy

It may be a neologism. I have never come across it but an awareness of its significance and relevance has grown in me these past few years. Has any of you encountered the word ‘technarchy’? Monarchy is the rule of one; oligarchy the rule of…

"Hidden In The Womb Of The Creator"

As our readers know the National Catholic Community Foundation has been following the peregrinations of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia these past several years.  Previously the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family the Archbishop has recently been named the President of the Pontifical Academy for…

Overcoming Polarization

Jorge Bergoglio ascended the throne of St. Peter five years ago. While this statement is accurate its imagery is incongruous. Far from being ‘above’ the rest of us this Jesuit – like the saint whose name he chose for his pontificate – immerses himself in…

The tutelage of faith

Recently I phoned my good friend, Marcus, to wish him a pleasant birthday. Having known each other since our school days six decades ago we enjoyed reflecting on the changes, both positive and negative, we’ve witnessed since those salad years.  One disturbing area, we agreed,…

Make Today Happen

Over the past years this column has featured grantees to which you, the advisors on our donor advised funds, have recommended the trustees of NCCF to make donations. It has been a worthy undertaking inasmuch as bringing your attention to people and organizations who respect…