One of the less considered facts of the Christmas story is the plight the Holy Family suffered first as displaced persons and then as refugees. In compliance with an imperial edict Joseph and Mary, despite her advanced pregnancy, were required to undertake an arduous journey to relocate in Bethlehem. Then, after the birth of Jesus – because of political wranglings – they were forced to flee to another country. 

Here we are, two millennia later, and the ordeals of forced displacement continue. Good news on which to reflect this Advent is that the International Catholic Migration Commission has been addressing this issue since People Pius XII. It is a worldwide network of Catholic Bishop Conferences and Catholic inspired organizations working on migration and refugee issues at local and national levels.

As its website states (ICMC.net) The International Catholic Migration Commission protects and serves uprooted people, including refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displace people, victims of human trafficking, and migrants – regardless of faith, race, ethnicity, or nationality. It provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants. ICMC sees to it that the people it helps are welcomed, protected, promoted, and integrated into their new surroundings.

Anyone interested in being reminded what ‘Christmas is all about’ would benefit from viewing the five minute video on ICMC’s website which gives an informative and inspiring introduction to the apostolate of this organization over the past seventy years.