Koinonia Academy

THE VALUE OF A KA EDUCATION One of the most common but unspoken questions I believe parents and benefactors have when they consider enrolling their children in or supporting KA is this: “Is an education at Koinonia Academy better academically than at a top-tier public…

American Federation Pueri Cantores

With 32 federations comprising 70,000 young singers worldwide, Pueri Cantores is the international student choral organization of the Roman Catholic Church, whose mission is to evangelize and catechize choristers through the medium of sacred music, aiding them in growing in their faith and rooting them…

St. Ann’s Passionist Monastery and Basilica

More than a century ago, the Passionists, a preaching order in the Roman Catholic Church, arrived in Scranton to conduct missions and retreats. The people and the local clergy loved them so much that Bishop Michael Hoban of the Diocese of Scranton invited the Passionists…

Caritas Internationalis

Just over a week following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the UNHCR has reported over 1,045,459 people have fled to neighboring countries, including Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania as well as Bulgaria, with the hope of finding safety for themselves and their loved ones…

Project STELLA

DISPARITIES IN CANCER CARE: AN URGENT GLOBAL NEED When it is detected early and treated effectively, cervical cancer-the fourth most common cancer in women-is one of the most highly curable cancers. In the United States (U.S.}, the rate of infection and death from cervical cancer…


Some years ago this column highlighted the inspiring work  AVSI-USA is assisting in Oaxaca, Mexico.  From its website www.avsi-usa.org we are pleased to reprint the following letter from Ms. Jackie Aldrette reporting on the program’s encouraging progress. On Friday, October 26th, Ezio and I were…

Sisters of Mary World Villages for Children

“Whoever removes the Cross and its interpretation by the New Testament from the center, in order to replace it, for example, with the social commitment of Jesus to the oppressed as the new center, no longer stands in continuity with the apostolic faith.” –Hans Urs…

The Abortion Survivors Network

The words “you belong” were among the opening remarks shared at the first annual, first-of-its-kind retreat to bring about further healing, relationship, and empowerment to those who have survived an abortion. For Melissa Ohden, founder of The Abortion Survivors Network and retreat host, the weekend…

Holy Family Hospital

The following article was published in this column last year. Given the desperate plight Bethlehem now faces we reprint it here with the website of the Holy Family Hospital Foundation in Washington. Faten’s Story Faten, a Palestinian social worker from Gaza, was 33 weeks pregnant…

Christendom College

The United States of America is blessed with multiple forms of Catholic academic institutions. These exist at levels progressing from elementary school, through high school, through university and graduate schools. Some are parochial, some private, and some sponsored by dioceses. In ways that vary but…