In his book “My Battle Against Hitler” (translated by John Henry Crosby and his father), Dietrich Von Hildebrand writes about habit being a ‘sort of beneficial adaptability’ in human beings that can either make their lives more bearable or diminish their spiritual alertness. In the…
Category: Advancing the Kingdom
Crying "Uncle"
My first car was a Volkswagen Squareback. Marcus, my good friend (he still is), and I named her ‘Leo’ after a girl who brought a lot of pizzazz into our lives (she still does). Leo – the one with four doors and stick shift –…
Pivotal Factor
“In the end, it’s the beginning that counts.” These are the words that conclude the “Reflections from the Principal” in this year’s annual report of Sisters Academy of Baltimore. Sister Debbie Liesen’s comment captures and confirms the compelling truth that so brightly shines in this…
Being human: risk or promise?
“What do you expect? He’s human!” Isn’t it curious how more often than not we associate ‘being human’ with moral lapses or flawed character? Our human nature, one might conclude, places us at risk because it becomes an excuse for our failures and imperfections. Theologically,…
Development is ministry
I recently was informed that this column is now sent to more than 7,000 recipients. It is a fair guess that more than a few are development directors in the business of raising funds for worthy causes and important institutions and that some others are…
The Sacred Family
Recently, the Nazareth Initiatives Fund has been opened at the National Catholic Community Foundation to support the apostolate of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The charismatic president of this council is Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and as the attached write-up demonstrates his global efforts are…
Be Not Afraid! Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
The following homily was delivered by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, on December 21st, 2014. God’s Holy Word, which we just heard, and the sermon that follows, are supposed to be good news. Some days that’s tough to give, this…
….the beauty of Holy Matrimony….
“The values and virtues of the family – its essential truths – are the family unit’s strengths and are not open to challenge. Rather, it is our own way of life that we must re-examine. It runs a continual risk of being ‘infected’ by worldly…
Languid Indifference
Two passages struck me this past weekend, from quite disparate sources. The Old Testament reading for the first Sunday in Advent is from chapter 63 of Isaiah: “Why, Yahweh, do you let us wander from our way and let our hearts grow too hard to…
…what if he came today?
Two millennia ago our Lord appeared among us as the son of a carpenter. Suppose the Incarnation occurred today instead. With what profession or trade would the Son of God associate himself? Would he be a professor? ‘Christ the Teacher’ has a familiar ring to…