A Godless world is an impossibility. But, the perception of one – willful or otherwise – is not. How easily this misperception can lead to the dehumanization of our society. This thought resurfaced as I attended a recent seminar on the utility of “webcasting.” The…
Category: Advancing the Kingdom
Chimney fire
Recently, our chimney was swept. This is a task that is done periodically. In our case, though, because of neglect on my part too much time had passed since the previous cleaning and we experienced a chimney fire. It was an unnerving experience. Large pieces…
Ebola Recovery Continues: West African Catholic Solidarity Fund
I am pleased to report that recently a fund has been established at NCCF in support of the Church’s efforts to address the aftermath of the Ebola crisis in West Africa. Please see the summary below on the West African Catholic Solidarity Fund. In August…
Arousing desire?
Everybody, it seems, is reading the Post Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia of Pope Francis. Although its author recommends against a “rushed reading” many have already made it through the 260 pages of this very inspiring text. To describe this exhortation as inspiring is not inaccurate.…
The Synodal Document on “Love”
By Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia on the Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of Love” For our Church, the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” is one milestone on a long and winding journey. The Holy Father’s enthusiastic invitation to deal broadly, freely and openly with questions that are real…
A wind of holiness from Cuba and the United States
Anyone looking for suggestions for inspiring reading during the Easter Triduum will not be disappointed by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia’s article on the cause for beatification of Father Felix Varela titled “A Wind of Holiness from Cuba and the United States: The Faith of Father Varela…
The Faith of Father Varela and His Path to Sainthood
By Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia President of the Pontifical Council for the Family Postulator of the Cause for Beatification of Father Varela “Gusting winds of holiness throughout the Americas” On May 2, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated a Mass at the North American College in Rome…
Bundle of sticks
In recent years, there has been horrific violence in Muslim majority countries perpetrated by Muslim extremists in the name of Allah. Earlier this year scores of Muslim scholars and religious leaders from 120 countries convened in Morocco to issue the Marrakesh Declaration (http://marrakeshdeclaration.org/marrakesh-declaration.html) In essence…
Build to Stay
“I have decided to consecrate the rest of my life to this. All that I have done in 47 years of priesthood … will not be as important as what I am doing now. Here I am building a living church in which every stone…
….is it the olive?
Although spoken a half a century ago, it is a reply that still echoes in my memory. Indeed, it is one I appreciate more fully with each passing year. Three college mates and I were engaged in a tennis match at my parents’ home on…