Catalog of Ministries
Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.
If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.
A Family for Every Orphan
A Family for Every Orphan is a Christian organization that helps orphans find loving families in their home countries. Our vision is a world without orphans.
A Simple House of Sts Francis & Alphonsus
A Simple House is a Catholic, inner-city ministry serving low-income and project neighborhoods in southeast Washington, DC and Kansas City, MO. Our work involves meeting people in their neighborhoods, homes, and homeless camps. Our missionaries strive to meet the material and spiritual needs of the poor. Missionaries make an initial 10 month commitment and do not fund-raise a salary.
Academy of Mount St. Ursula (Bronx, NY)
The Academy of Mount St. Ursula, a Catholic college preparatory secondary school conducted in the Ursuline tradition, serves young women of diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. The school strives to create a community based on faith in Jesus Christ and respect for every human person. As the oldest Catholic girls high school in New York State and a U. S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School, Mount St. Ursula is recognized for its long history of academic excellence. In the spirit of the gospel and in a family atmosphere, the school promotes a love of learning, seeking to develop critical thinkers well-rounded in the humanities, sciences, and technology. Committed to fostering the holistic development of each student, Mount St. Ursula strives to empower young women for leadership and service in Church and society.
Academy of the Holy Family
The Academy of the Holy Family is a Catholic day and boarding high school for American and international young women. Through a challenging curriculum built on a supportive spiritual foundation, we empower our students to achieve their full God-given potential to impact their world.
We utilitze comprehensive mentoring programs, nuturing spiritual, personal, and social growth for vulnerable youth in Baltimore City schools to inspire a secure identity, edifying relationships, and an enduring sense of hope. We envision youths’ relationships restored with God, self and others through Christ to enable them to be a blessing to their communities.
AIM Women’s Center
Our mission is to seek out abortion-vulnerable individuals in the Tri-State area, in order to provide education, opportunities for healing, and support in a Christ centered way. We strive to empower individuals to make healthy life choices regarding their sexuality, consistant with the Sancity of Human Life.
All Saints Catholic Academy
Rooted in the Catholic tradition, All Saints Catholic Academy empowers pre-K-8 students to become lifelong learners through a rigorous academic program that promotes communication and collaboration. With prayer and service at the center of who we are, students are prepared to live and thrive in our global community as future leaders and difference-makers.
American Catholic Lawyers Association (Ramsey, NJ)
The American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc. (ACLA) is a nonprofit nationwide network of Catholic attorneys and lay supporters dedicated to the defense of the Faith and the rights of Catholics in America. Conceived and formed in 1990 as a Catholic answer to the American Civil Liberties Union and other left-liberal activist groups, the ACLA engages in a wide range of activities aimed at countering the forces of secularism in our society. These activities include: Federal and State court litigation on behalf of Catholic plaintiffs and defendants whose civil rights are being violated on account of their Catholic Faith in the spheres of pro-life activity, employment and the right to worship God in both private and public manifestations of the Faith; defense of the Faith in public discourse and debate; Catholic apologetics: explaining the truths of the Catholic Faith and refuting attacks against in formal debate and apologetical literature.
American Federation of Pueri Cantores
Mission: Pueri Cantores is an international Catholic choral organization, sanctioned by The Vatican, that provides opportunities for school aged youth choirs from all backgrounds to participate in liturgical music. Children gain an appreciation of Plainchant, Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, and Modern liturgical music set within the rich tradition of the Catholic Church. Pueri Cantores aims to enhance the lives of young singers through this musical experience conducted within a nurturing environment. Participation in Pueri Cantores can be a formational and transformational experience through the Liturgy for both choristers and conductors. Young people of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.
American Life League
American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to death-without compromise, without exception, without apology. The distinguishing mark of American Life League, by which we will be recognized, is our absolute commitment to the sacredness of every innocent human being’s life.
Americans United for Life (AUL)
The mission of Americans United for Life CAUL) is to secure a comprehensive legal foundation for the protection of human life from conception to natural death. We are accumulating victories, building momentum, and advancing a culture of life in America. AUL has been involved in more than 100 federal and state cases across the country and internationally, including every significant abortion-related case before the Supreme Court. As such, AUL has filed more amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs than any other pro-life organization.
Annapolis Symphony Orchestra ( Annapolis, MD)
The mission of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra is to produce and present memorable symphonic music that increases the awareness, enjoyment, and appreciation of music throughout the Chesapeake Bay area.
Apostolate for Family Consecration, Inc. (Bloomingdale, OH)
The Apostolate for Family Consecration helps families evangelize families. Locked into the vision and Eucharistic Marian spirituality of Pope John Paul II, Family Apostolate members use multimedia resources to build up God-centered neighborhood and parish communities. These communities form a Catholic culture which transforms families into extensions of the Holy Family through prayer, formation, and works of mercy and evangelization. They offer a practical style of living that constantly fulfills the responsibility of each present moment —
Aquinas Center of Theology
The Aquinas Center of Theology provides a Catholic scholarly presence for the benefit of Emory University, the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the region. Engaging in the intellectual and moral life of the Church, our programming encourages ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. We welcome inquiring persons to enhance their knowledge of the living Catholic tradition.
Note: In a region that is seeing an increasing number of Catholics, there is no Catholic university located here. The Aquinas Center provides a gathering space for Catholics and others interested in the Catholic tradition to learn from prominent Catholic theologians we bring into the area.
Archangel School
Archangel School is a private school with a traditional Catholic curriculum serving students from PreK – Grade 12.
Archbishop Neale School
Archbishop Neale, a Catholic school is a Christian community and an academic institution comprised of students, parents, priests, and staff drawn from a consolidation of parishes and the surrounding community. Within this Faith Community we transmit the Gospel message to enhance the building of relationships and to render service. As an academic institution, we strive to create a climate in which knowledge is pursued in an organized and integrated manner. Archbishop Neale School is committed to the recognition of the multi-dimensional needs of each child and provides a well-rounded program wherein spiritual, intellectual, emotional, cultural, social and physical growth may occur.
Archbishop Riordan High School
Archbishop Riordan High School, an Archdiocesan Catholic High School in the Marianist tradition, prepares young men of the Bay Area for leadership through its inclusive college preparatory curriculum, its emphasis on formation in faith, and its dedication to community service and justice. In a diverse family environment, Archbishop Riordan fosters development in faith, character, academics, athletics and the arts.
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
The AMS was established as a separate U.S. archdiocese by Saint John Paul in 1985, with the responsibility to provide for the pastoral care of Catholics serving in the five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, enrolled in the five U.S. Military Academies, undergoing treatment at any of the 153 Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (U.S., Puerto Rico, and Guam), employed by the federal government in positions beyond U.S. borders, and for the families of these populations. The AMS is the only U.S. diocese responsible for endorsing and granting faculties to priests and deacons to serve this particular group of approximately 1.8 million men, women, and children, Catholic faithful who originate from all U.S. dioceses.
Archdiocese of Boston Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs (Brighton, MA)
In the affirmation of its relationship with other Christians, the Church in the Archdiocese of Boston commits itself to pray and to work for that unity for which Jesus prayed. In the service of this commitment to Christian unity — known as ecumenism — the Church relates to other Christians, both Orthodox and Protestant. The Church in this Archdiocese also holds in esteem the people of other faiths. It pledges its efforts toward better understanding of others’ beliefs and collaboration in our common concerns for the dignity and welfare of every person. In these efforts — known as interreligious or interfaith relations — the Church wishes to attend to those special bonds already linking it with the Jewish community, to that part of its heritage shared with the Muslims, and to the similar spiritual goals and values of other religions. The office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs is devoted to promoting understanding and cooperation among peoples of all faiths.
Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS) (Aiken, SC)
The mission of the Area Churches Together Serving is to give temporary and emergency aid to persons in need in the Aiken County area in the name of Jesus Christ.