A call to serve in mission lands

More than 50 years ago Msgr. Anthony Brouwers, of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, learned from various bishops in Africa of the pressing need for professional medical personnel willing to work and teach in hospitals throughout that continent. Responding to this need, Msgr. Brouwers founded…

Centers of Vitality

There are several places on the human body medical professionals can check as they attempt to gauge the heart beat of their patients. Ones that come to mind are the inside of our wrists or on the side of our neck. But there are other…

Being Informed

Christianity, at least according to Catholic Tradition, recognizes as a duty of discipleship the requirement to love and to serve. As recorded in Matthew’s Gospel (7:12) Jesus provides as a simple guide of what this means the “Golden Rule”: do unto others as you would…

Excellence tempered by gentleness

In 1634 two ships, the Ark and the Dove, brought English Catholics to the shores of Maryland. They arrived on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Father Andrew White, a Jesuit, celebrated what was to be the first Mass in the (English) colonies. (more…)

Did the monk and philosopher ever meet?

Over 50 years ago, the English Benedictine Bede Griffiths included a theme in his autobiography, The Golden String, which would be echoed in the Vatican II documents a decade later, namely that all authentic religions contain elements of truth. Speaking of the entire human race…

Without a Wedding Garment

In its 22nd chapter, Matthew’s Gospel contains the parable of the king who gave a wedding feast for his son. One of the men called to attend eschewed the use of a wedding garment (customarily presented to guests as they entered the feast). Upon seeing…

With mature religious inquiry

In a dozen years or so, Yale University will mark the centennial of Catholic ministry on its campus. The growth and development of the Catholic presence at that elite academic institution are remarkable and bode well for the future of the Church. (more…)

Not by Bread Alone

Recently a friend recounted a telling comment expressed by the admissions officer of a local, exclusive social club: “Why are the young adults who join here so lacking in manners? They could learn from the eighth graders over at Nativity Prep who shake your hand…

Crying in the Temple

“And the chief priests and scribes, seeing the wonderful things he did, and the children crying in the temple and saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’, were moved with indignation” (more…)

With Salt and Light

Our Lord called on his disciples to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world”. Now, two millennia into the advance of the Kingdom the challenge of this call is as formidable as it has ever been. Indeed, with the mind-numbingly…