The consolation of truth

One sometimes hears the phrase ‘the consolation of hope’. It is soothing in its implication, particularly so in such troubled times as ours. Less frequently encountered is the phrase ‘the consolation of truth’. Equally salubrious, this latter expression is perhaps more forceful. The consolation of…

The GIVEN Institute

The GIVEN Institute (“GIVEN”) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to activating the gifts of young adult women for the Church and the world. You may be thinking, “why such a specific demographic?” but this is a response to an ache in our society. GIVEN recognizes…

Is ‘self-service’ an oxymoron?

Much has been written of late about the risks we incur by our increasing dependence on technology. As the song puts it: “Is it a boon or a bane?”. From the perspective of Christian social doctrine one might ask if technology enhances or jeopardizes the…

An invitation, not a condemnation

He is recognized as a poet, an author, a dramatist, a philosopher, a humanist, a world leader, a pope, and now a saint. How fortunate for us that we are his contemporaries. It is an understatement that Pope John Paul II was a prolific and…

Freedom in our toxic culture

“Against the tsunami of our toxic culture”. This quote from a recent article by Fr. Paul Scalia could be an invitation to observe Independence Day from a new perspective. As residents of the freest nation in history perhaps it is fitting for us to ask…

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy (NCPA) is a private, Catholic middle school, located in Newburgh, NY, exclusively serving girls from low-income families. NCPA’s mission is to provide a path out of poverty through education and accomplishes this by promoting Gospel values with special emphasis on faith,…

Kicking against the goads

While its significance is ancient the phrase ‘Eucharistic coherence’ has appeared only recently in the life of the Church. Unless I am mistaken it was first used in the concluding document of the conference of the bishops of Latin American and the Caribbean held in…

Catholic Charities West Michigan

At Catholic Charities West Michigan we follow in the footsteps of Christ as we strive to provide help and create hope for those most in need. We are a community-based agency providing a variety of services ranging from prevention and education to crisis intervention. All…

Follow the science – Whither?

Lamentable, isn’t it – the diminished presence in our vocabulary of the word whither? Is its desuetude another consequence of the culling homogenization of our culture, a process which with biting irony is labeled multiculturalism? Or, is it simply a response to time’s ravaging touch?…

Birthday greetings

Happy Birthday, Christians. Today, the Feast of the Pentecost, is the birthday of the Church. So, Happy Birthday to all you baptized members. May the coming year bring us closer to the Lord and to each other, and in doing so enable us to offer…