Philanthropy and social vibrancy

‘Eternal vibrancy’. Since coming across it recently I’ve been pondering this phrase. We are all familiar with the terms ‘eternal life’ or ‘life after death’ and more than likely give little thought to them other than a hope that such will be our destiny. But,…

Eternity, or the future?

“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and…

Project STELLA

DISPARITIES IN CANCER CARE: AN URGENT GLOBAL NEED When it is detected early and treated effectively, cervical cancer-the fourth most common cancer in women-is one of the most highly curable cancers. In the United States (U.S.}, the rate of infection and death from cervical cancer…


Some years ago this column highlighted the inspiring work  AVSI-USA is assisting in Oaxaca, Mexico.  From its website we are pleased to reprint the following letter from Ms. Jackie Aldrette reporting on the program’s encouraging progress. On Friday, October 26th, Ezio and I were…

Cognitive dissonance

Those of you who are advisors on our donor advised funds may have received an attractive, ecologically friendly shopping bag over the Christmas holiday, a thoughtful gift from Edward H. Robinson, NCCF’s President. The bags bear the slogan “Faith working through philanthropy”. What, you might wonder,…

Every seven years

This year the arrival of the feast of the Holy Family so immediately after Christmas highlights a fundamental relationship between the two truths they celebrate, almost as though the two truths are inextricably linked. The first is the reality of God’s love. At Christmas those…

Sisters of Mary World Villages for Children

“Whoever removes the Cross and its interpretation by the New Testament from the center, in order to replace it, for example, with the social commitment of Jesus to the oppressed as the new center, no longer stands in continuity with the apostolic faith.” –Hans Urs…


Gaudeamus Igitur (‘therefore, let us rejoice’). Readers of a certain age – fewer and fewer to be sure – will recognize these words as the opening lyric of a drinking song popular among university students years ago. Today is Gaudete Sunday, the third of the…

The First Coming

Because she died before Pop married, my siblings and I never knew our paternal grandmother. She was something of a giant in our eyes, maybe because our acquaintance with her was limited to family lore. Born in the last quarter of the nineteenth century into…

The Abortion Survivors Network

The words “you belong” were among the opening remarks shared at the first annual, first-of-its-kind retreat to bring about further healing, relationship, and empowerment to those who have survived an abortion. For Melissa Ohden, founder of The Abortion Survivors Network and retreat host, the weekend…