Carolina Heinle
For almost 15 years, Carolina Heinle has focused her legal practice in the area of estate planning and administration. She designs and implements estate plans for clients from a wide range of financial backgrounds and often works with several generations of the same family. Her role involves counseling clients on state and federal taxes, life insurance and retirement plans, asset protection planning, and — for those of her clients who are charitably inclined — lifetime and testamentary gifting. Carolina’s strong inter-personal skills serve her well in her profession, as she often advises clients on dynamic family relationships in a forward-thinking, creative way.
Carolina has also been involved with the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities in some capacity for over 25 years. Currently, she serves as the Chair of Raskob’s Member Advisory Group working with VIISTA (Villanova Interdisciplinary Immigration Studies Training for Advocates), the first-of-its-kind online program that trains lawyers and non-lawyers to become immigrant advocates ready to serve migrants and refugees. Carolina’s involvement with and enthusiasm for VIISTA stems from her time at Yale Divinity School, where she studied Christian ethics and ultimately earned a Master’s Degree in Religion. She also finds joy in the opportunity to collaborate with similarly-minded people towards a common goal. Her relevant professional experience and her natural predisposition towards philanthropy will both be assets to NCCF. She looks forward to serving on the Communication Council and to helping NCCF promote awareness of its ministry.
Carolina has been married to her husband Court for 14 years and together they are raising 4 children in the Catholic faith. Their oldest son Max was recently confirmed, a process which prompted him to ask many thoughtful questions (thus putting to the test Carolina’s religious education).
- Haverford College, B.A. Philosophy
- Yale University, Divinity School, M.A. Religion
- Villanova University School of Law, J.D. cum laude