Catalog of Ministries
Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.
If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.
Commonwealth Catholic Charities
Commonwealth Catholic Charities has worked to alleviate human suffering and restore hope, dignity, and opportunities for Virginia residents since 1923.
The mission of Commonwealth Catholic Charities is to provide quality, compassionate human services to all people, especially the most vulnerable, regardless of faith.
Communities Rising, Inc.
We are dedicated to providing access to quality educational opportunities for all Indians.
Education is the key to providing youth and adults with the knowledge and skills to earn a living, contribute to their family and community, and lead healthier and more productive lives.
CR is currently engaged in providing out-of-school programs for impoverished children and youth in rural India, in order to actively and effectively support their learning and development across the day and throughout the year.
CR believes that children and youth who participate in out-of-school programs will receive positive academic, social, prevention, and health benefits.
Conference for Mercy Higher Education
The mission of the Conference for Mercy Higher Education is the preservation and development of the core Catholic identity and mission of Mercy higher education in accord with the spirit, mission, and heritage of the Sisters of Mercy.
Congregation of St. Joseph
The Congregation of St. Joseph is a community of more than 700 vowed women religious dedicated to the love of God and neighbor, committed to sharing life together in community, and missioned to be a unifying, reconciling presence wherever we live and minister. Our mission flows from the purpose for which the congregation exists: We live and work that all people may be united with God and with one another. It is rooted in the mission of Christ, the same mission which continually unfolds in His church, “That all may be one as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; I pray that they may be one in Us.” (John 17:21) We are joined in this commitment by more than 500 lay associates. Responding to the unmet needs in our church and world, we serve in education, healthcare, pastoral and parish ministry, social work, spiritual care and faith development, and in other ministries that respond to spiritual, social and physical needs.
Our congregation was founded by seven formerly independent communities within the Heartland Region of the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Our founding communities are: Cleveland, OH (est. 1872), LaGrange Park, Ill (est. 1899), Medaille (est. 1855), Nazareth, MI (est. 1889), Tipton, IN (est. 1888), Wheeling, WV (est. 1853), and Wichita, KS (est. 1888). This includes Kyoto, Japan, which was established in 1950 by the Wichita Community.
Any woman or man over the age of 21 who is interested in the mission and spirituality of the CSJ community can inquire about entering our associate program. Candidates are those who share the CSJ commitment to Gospel values, its ideals and goals, and who are drawn to the charism and spirituality of our community. Associates undertake no binding financial or legal commitments to the sisters and continue to live the lifestyle to which they have been called by God.
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word San Antonio
We are Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, an international Congregation of women religious. Who we are and what we do is grounded in a dynamic belief that our loving God became fully human in the person of Jesus. In this act of becoming human, God invites all creation to share in Divine Life. This belief compels us to act to make God’s love real in the world by promoting human dignity, especially among the most vulnerable. The mission of the Congregation is to actualize the saving and healing love of the Incarnate Word promoting the Human Dignity
Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania
We are a community of Catholic women religious dedicated to God and service to God’s people. The IHM Sisters work together to meet the educational, healthcare, social and spiritual needs of those whom we serve. We are an apostolic religious institute characterized by joyful, loving, hospitable, and self-emptying service to the people of God.
While currently serving in United States and South America, we live our mission by engaging in and sponsoring a variety of ministries that meet contemporary needs and foster the full development of human potential.
The Congregation is a 501(c)(3), religious organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Consortium of Catholic Academies of the Archdiocese of Washington
The Consortium of Catholic Academies (CCA) provides students with a sense of faith, a love of learning, and hope in community.
The CCA is committed to delivering vital academic, social, and financial support in a safe and nurturing faith-based environment to our 800+ dynamic and diverse students in Washington, DC’s most underserved communities.
Conventual Franciscan Friars of Marytown (DBA – National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe at Marytown)
To serve the Gospel and the Church by forming Eucharistic disciples in prayer, evangelization, works of mercy, and Marian consecration in the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Corazon Alimentado (The Nurtured Heart Approach)
Our mission is to serve the Hispanic community of Wilmington and surrounding
area with parenting and counseling services provided in Spanish.
Cornelia Connelly Center for Education (New York, NY)
The mission of the Center is guided by the philosophy shared by all educational institutions of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Small classes and individual attention encourage and support learning in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Holy Child offers a secure and challenging educational environment, which sustains hopefulness and encourages each student to become her best self. Thus, students are encouraged to do their part to bring about a more just society, and the Center aims to empower them to do so by creating an environment in which good habits of heart, mind, and work are formed.
Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR)
Mission Statement:
– To establish an effective collaboration among major superiors
– To cooperate closely with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and with individual Bishops
– To nurture “a renewed appreciation of the deeper theological reasons for this special form of consecration”
Specific Mission:
– To provide a clear, stable and official channel through which major superiors, assisted by an Episcopal Liaison appointed by the Holy See, can share the vision, principles and directives of the Magisterium with regard to religious life (VC 52)
– To provide a realistically viable and mutually helpful forum for participation, education and dialogue on the shared patrimony of the Church’s teaching on matters central to the mystery and reality of religious life as integral to the life and holiness of the Church (LG n. 44; VC 53)
– To promote a unity among major superiors that will give testimony of hearts grateful for their vocation in the Church, their union with the Magisterium of Peter and their filial love of Christ’s Vicar on earth (VC 85)
– To articulate the theology of religious life as a vocation nurturing the Church’s life and holiness
– To assist in the revitalization of institutes of religious life and their participation within each particular church
– To offer educational opportunities helpful to religious institutes
Couple to Couple League International, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH)
The mission of the Couple to Couple League is to help couples live chaste and generous marriages by providing the practical help of NFP, to build families by increasing the number of people using NFP chastely and generously, and to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church to teach the divine truth about love, marriage and sexuality.
Covenant Health
We are a Catholic health ministry, providing healing and care for the whole person, in service to all in our communities.
Covenant House International
For more than four decades, Covenant House has helped transform and save the lives of more than a million children and youth who have experienced homelessness and human trafficking. We offer shelter, housing, physical and mental health, and wrap around support services to young people in need – currently reaching 74,000 youth every year in 31 cities across 6 countries. Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ in the lives of the young people we serve. “We who recognize God’s providence and fidelity to His people are dedicated to living out His Covenant among ourselves and those children we serve, with absolute respect and unconditional love. This commitment calls us to serve suffering children of the street, and to protect and safeguard all children. Just as Christ in His Humanity is the visible sign of God’s presence among His people, so our efforts together in the covenant community are a visible sign that effects the presence of God, working through the Holy Spirit among ourselves and our kids”.
Cranaleith Spiritual Center
Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor and those who work in solidarity with them. We seek to invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships
Cristo Rey Forth Worth High School Diocese of Fort Worth Advancement Foundation Catholic Center
Cristo Rey Forth Worth High School is a Catholic learning community that educates young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose and service. Through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work study experience, students graduate ready to succeed in college and in life
Cristo Rey Jesuits College Preparatory School of Houston
Cristo Rey Jesuit’s mission is to inspire and prepare students of limited economic resources to succeed in college and lead their communities as compassionate, committed, and competent men and women for others for the greater glory of God.
Compelled by our Jesuit Mission and identity, we are a vibrant community that transforms the world by loving, learning, and excelling in all we do.
Cristo Rey San Diego High School
To educate young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose, and service, and prepared for life.
We pride a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work study experience and community service. In the finest tradition of Catholic Outreach, we welcome students of all denominations. Student graduate prepared for college and service to their communities.
Cross Catholic Outreach
Cross Catholic Outreach is a 501c3 Catholic relief and development ministry that provides food, shelter, medical care, water, education, self-help programs, care for orphans, and emergency relief to 29 countries around the world. Through collaboration with our donors and aid partners, we are transforming the poor and their communities materially and spiritually for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Daughters of Charity International Project Services (DCIPS)
Daughters of Charity International Project Services (DCIPS)
was established to help the Sisters in developing countries to carry out their mission of service to those who are poor.
DCIPS facilitates international funding and other resources, and develops relationships that support Daughter of Charity projects that minimize human suffering and foster sustainable solutions to global poverty
at the local level.
June 23, 2011