Catalog of Ministries
Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.
If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.
St. Catherine Academy
St. Catherine Academy is the only faith-based, state-approved, private education school in Fairfield County serving students with developmental disabilities including those with autism, intellectual or multiple disabilities. Our relationship-based, multi-disciplinary curriculum is structured with high expectation, tailored to each student, fostering academic growth, interpersonal competencies, independent living and vocational skills.ur facility is intentionally designed to help students transition from former environments to one that encourages greater independence. In our nurturing, learning community, students develop positive self-esteem and self-confidence while acquiring the necessary skills to reach teir potential for independent living
St. Catherine Residence (Milwaukee, WI)
To realize our mission, SCR offers different housing focuses, each targeting women with different life issues: a) Transitional or Permanent housing for women who are starting out or starting over, b) Right Start/Independent Living for either single mothers or 17-year-olds aging out of foster care and c) Next Step for homeless women in recovery or with a chronic behavioral health diagnosis. The requirements for residence are a) be involved in work, a day program or education for 20 hours each week, b) respect for self and each other and c) an ability to pay rent which is subsidized through donations. Our services go beyond providing safe and affordable housing and include building self-concepts through skill building, linking to employment and school and integrating women into a women helping women community for networking, friendship and support.
St. Dominic Village
St. Dominic Village is Houston’s only Catholic continuing-care retirement community, and one of the few retirement homes for priests in Texas. Each year, we serve approximately 300 elderly – including numerous impoverished Medicaid recipients – through a continuum-of-care comprising independent living, assisted living, and nursing home facilities. St. Dominic Village is dedicated to serving our elders with the compassion of Christ. We strive to provide a welcoming home and the very highest standard of care to each of our residents, honoring and celebrating their personal dignity. St. Dominic Village currently is one of the largest non-profit nursing homes in Harris County.
St. Dominic Village (Houston, TX)
St. Dominic Village is dedicated to the service of its residents as an extension of the compassionate and healing ministry of Jesus Christ. The physical, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of each resident are addressed through a continuum of care that optimizes personal strengths. Committed to the values and moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Dominic Village provides a home and the highest standard of quality care consistent with individual needs and regardless of race, color, or creed. The inherent sanctity and dignity of each person – residents, family members, and staff – are recognized, promoted, and preserved.
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
The mission of St. Elizabeth Catholic School is to provide the highest quality spiritual formation in an environment that is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Roman catholic Church. Toward this end, the administration, faculty, staff, and parents endeavor to live and learn in a community of faith where each individual is recognized,
respected, and encourage to grow. We strive for academic excellence through the creation of a strong curriculum. St. Elizabeth School is committed to the
creation of a faith community educated to achieve academic success and to reach out to all people in faith and compassion to bring the message of
Jesus Christ.
St. Elizabeth Medical Center
St. Elizabeth Medical Center community, inspired by St. Francis of Assisi and faithful to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, is committed to excellence in healthcare and education. We pledge to do this with compassion and respect for the dignity of all.
St. Elizabeth School
St. Elizabeth graduates students who are successful at home, in the workforce and in the community. By maximizing each student’s unique abilities, we enhance the quality of life for elementary, middle, and high school students with cognitive and other disabilities.
Our program focuses on the realization of personal potential by integrating academic growth, social/emotional development, functional life skills, and vocational training. We create a community environment that fosters a sense of belonging. Students, faculty and families are committed to the stewardship of a learning environment with these core values: All people are respected and valued; Every student can learn; Competence, compassion, support and safety are essential; Communication and collaboration are standard practice; Time and talent are given generously in the service of others.
St. Finn Barr Catholic School
St. Finn Barr Catholic School is dedicated to meeting the spiritual, academic, physical and emotional needs of every child entrusted to its care. Our community embraces every child’s potential to become an independent thinker, life long learner, and valuable member of a larger community who live Gospel values in the Catholic tradition.
St. Frances Cabrini Clinic of Most Holy Trinity Church
Cabrini Clinic is the oldest free clinic in the United States. Since 1950 it has provided free primary health care to poor, uninsured families in the Corktown neighborhood of southwest Detroit. Staffed by volunteer doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals, Cabrini Clinic serves those who are falling through the health care safety net. Diagnostic testing, health education, mental health counseling, treatment and prescription assistance are provided to more that 1500 uninsured individuals annually. The health care mission of Cabrini Clinic is supported by Most Holy Trinity, grant funding, and the generosity of our donors.
St. Francis Center
St. Francis Center’s mission is to feed, serve, and walk with the poor as a community of hope in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi.
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation of Hawaii
St. Francis Home/ St. Francis Senior Ministries
We exist to create a community where each individual can live life fully.
St. Francis Mission
The purpose of St. Francis Mission is to re-evangelize Catholic Lakota people and bring the Gospel of Jesus the Christ to those who have not heard it. We respect the traditions of the Lakota people as we collaborate with them to meet the spiritual, educational, social, and physical needs of the community.
St. Francis Spirituality Center of the Sisters of St. Francis of Tiffin, OH
In the Spirit of Francis and Clare, we provide an atmosphere that allows all our guests to experience a renewal of their lives through a deeper personal relationship with God, in creation, in peacemaking and in a commitment to justice.
St. Francis Xavier School
St. Francis Xavier School is organized and maintained by an Advisory Board of Governors delegated by the Congregation of the Oratory. In addition to tuition, funds from corporate and private sources will be obtained to assist in the operation and endowment of the school.
All involved in serving the school are committed to the Magisterium of the Church and to fully living the Catholic Faith by availing themselves of the Sacraments, leading a Catholic moral life, and nurturing a devout prayer life with special devotion to Our Lady. Faculty and administration who are Catholic will show evidence of the practice of their Faith.
Christian charity and cheerfulness are the guiding principles of our school. This is the gift of St. Philip Neri who said, “Charity and cheerfulness, or charity and humility should be our motto.” By our example and leadership we will strive to instill these virtues in our students. Students of all faiths are welcome to apply to St. Francis Xavier School. Non-Catholic students will be required to participate fully in all classes of instruction, to attend school Liturgies and other activities.
St. Gregory the Great Seminary (Seward, NE)
The fundamental mission of St. Gregory the Great Seminary is the formation of Catholic men for service of God and GodÆs people as priests of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic Church. To this end, seminarians attending St. Gregory the Great Seminary will receive their undergraduate college education and preparation for entry into theological studies. This formation will be provided on behalf of the Catholic Bishop of Lincoln to train priests for service in the Diocese of Lincoln as well as other archdioceses, dioceses, and religious communities. St. Gregory the Great Seminary seeks to develop the natural gifts of the seminarians as men of faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church in an integrated program of spiritual, intellectual, personal, and pastoral formation in harmony with the teaching and practice of the Catholic Church and the directives of the Catholic Church for priestly training.
St. James Catholic School
St. James is a Catholic School located in the Mission District of San Francisco, and a member of the Alliance of Mission District Catholic Schools. It is administered by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose in association with their lay partners and serves children of families of varied cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Em powered by Jesus and His teachings, we accept the responsibility to help develop the gifts and talents of students, parents, and staff alike. We challenge our students to recognize the importance of their role as future world leaders in light of the Gospel mandate to serve one another in love. As leaders of our faith community, the faculty strives to instill in our students a strong sense of Catholic/Christian values, moral responsibility, appropriate decision making skills and sense of self worth. We hope to empower students to reach their full potential by our efforts to develop the whole child, thus enabling the students to continually grow as positive, contributing members of the Church and society.
St. John’s Bread & Life Program (Brooklyn, NY)
Inspired by the spirit of St Vincent DePaul, St. John’s Bread and Life affords itself this mission: to bring food to the poor and accompany them on their journey to wholeness by providing necessary services. We advocate for them, always mindful of the words of St Vincent “to serve others as we would serve Christâ€
St. John’s Villa (Carrollton, OH)
To support, empower, and value people of all ages served, with special focus on adults, who are mentally challenged, their families and the broader community. Enabling each to attain their full mental, social, physical and spiritual potential.
St. Joseph College Seminary
At St. Joseph College Seminary our mission is to provide an environment which assists young men to answer God’s call to the Roman Catholic priesthood. The need for expertise in ministering and maintaining pastoral leadership is of great importance in today’s world. The United States in particular is experiencing a shortage of priests.
We are responding to the call by preparing leaders who are grounded in faith and educated in programs of spiritual, intellectual, pastoral and human formation. As the Lord said “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” The Archdiocese of Chicago needs faith-filled priests to serve God and his people. In addition, as one of the few college seminaries in the nation, we fill the need to form men from dioceses across the United States including Milwaukee, WI, San Bernardino, CA, and others.
Our balanced formation program affords candidates the opportunity to explore their discernment. The spiritual, human, and pastoral components are guided by the Holy See and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops as outlined in the encyclical, Pastores Dabo Vobis, the Program of Priestly Formations, published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Fourth Edition, 1992). They are implemented by our faculty of five resident priests and the formation team.