Catalog of Ministries

Catalog of Ministries

Catalog of Ministries

Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to contribute to an organization with an existing NCCF fund, if you wish to create a fund to benefit an organization, or if you wish to contribute to NCCF’s mission, please contact us below.

If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.

If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.

6 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y


Pauline Community of Saint Joseph

Photo of Pauline Community of Saint Joseph
Contact: Lisa Tuggle Address 4337 Lower East Valley Road Dunlap TN 37327 United States Phone: 423-554-3746 Link:

The mission of the Pauline Community of Saint Joseph (PCSJ) is “to bring the Word to the world.” We do this by uniting and galvanizing members of the 10 religious and secular institutes of consecrated life founded by Blessed James Alberione—collectively known as “The Pauline Family”— to collaborate in dynamic and synergistic spiritual works of mercy that facilitate encounter with the Risen Christ. Our present objective is to establish Saint Joseph Guest House, a retreat center and community hospitality house, which will serve as a base of operations in the southeastern United States for the (Rome-based) Pauline Family and which, in the spirituality of Saint Paul, will offer powerful retreats, bible studies, catechesis, spiritual direction, and personal evangelism and faith-sharing workshops in English and Spanish languages. It is our belief that the works of Saint Paul, the Pauline spirituality of personal integrity, and Alberionian consecrated life offer the solid formation Catholics need today to be able to say with Saint Paul, “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20).

Pax Christi USA

Photo of Pax Christi USA
Contact: Sister Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN Address 415 Michigan Avenue N.E. Washington District of Columbia 20017-4503 United States Phone: 202-635-2741 Link:

Pax Christi USA strives to create a world that reflects the Peace of Christ by exploring, articulating, and witnessing to the call of Christian nonviolence. This work begins in personal life and extends to communities of reflection and action to transform structures of society. Pax Christi USA rejects war, preparations for war, and every form of violence and domination. It advocates primacy of conscience, economic and social justice, and respect for creation.. Pax Christi USA commits itself to peace education and, with the help of its bishop members, promotes the gospel imperative of peacemaking as a priority in the Catholic Church in the United States. Through the efforts of all its members and in cooperation with other groups, Pax Christi USA works toward a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world

Penn Newman Center

Photo of Penn Newman Center
Contact: Patrick Travers Address 111 S. 38th St. Philadelphia PA 19104 United States Phone: 267-787-5000 Link:

“We are an apostolic Catholic community entrusted to Mary, working with the university community and families to live a full Christian Life as missionary disciples through encountering Christ, growing in their faith and their reconciliation with God and themselves, and sending them to serve, from one heart to another.”

People of Life, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Photo of People of Life, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Contact: Mary McClusky Address 3211 Fourth St N.E. Washington District of Columbia 20017 United States Phone: 202-541-3070 Link:

“People of Life”: In support of the”Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities”

At their meeting in November 2001, the U.S. Catholic bishops reaffirmed and approved for publication the Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support of Life. The staff of the Pro-Life Secretariat, with support from members of “People of Life,” implements this plan on a national level, as well as supports its implementation throughout the country. This pastoral plan calls upon all the resources of the Churchâ??its people, services, and institutionsâ??to pursue this effort with renewed energy and commitment in four major areas. Public Information and Education to deepen understanding of the sanctity of human life and the humanity of unborn children, the moral evil of intentionally killing innocent human beingsâ??whether at the beginning of life or at its endâ??and the mission of the Church to witness to and serve all human life. Pastoral Care for women with problems related to pregnancy; for all who have been involved in abortion; for those who are disabled, sick, and dying, and their families and caregivers; for those who have lost loved ones to violent crime; and for those in prison sentenced to death. Public Policy efforts directed to restoring legal protection to the lives of unborn children and those vulnerable to pressures to end their lives by assisted suicide, and to providing morally acceptable alternatives to abortion and assisted suicide. The staffs of NCHLA and the USCCB Office of Government Relations are key partners in this work. Prayer and Worship directed to participation in the sacramental life of the Church and in programs of communal and individual prayer, that the culture of death that surrounds us today will be replaced by a culture of life and love. This Pastoral Plan foresees dialogue and cooperation between the national episcopal conference and priests, deacons, religious, and lay persons, individually and collectively. We seek the collaboration of every Catholic organization in this effort. At every levelâ??national, regional, state, diocesan, and parishâ??it is important to seek the support of individuals and organizations involved in other ministries and, in turn, to be supportive of their work on behalf of human life as well. Together we are involved in God’s work in promoting the dignity of the human person.

Piarist Fathers Province of the United States and Puerto Rico

Photo of Piarist Fathers Province of the United States and Puerto Rico
Contact: Kevin Owens Address P.O. Box 11822 Fort Lauderdale Florida 33339 United States Phone: 954-771-6525 Link:

To follow Christ and to serve the Church in the modern world by promoting our unique way of life and by administering effectively to the educational needs of children and youth, especially the poor. It is through the financial partnership of our benefactors that a strong and continued Piarist presence in our ten schools, parishes and mission will continue and flourish.
Coto Laurel (Ponce), PR: Colegio Ponceno
Devon, PA: Devon Preparatory School
Fort Lauderdale, FL: Cardinal Gibbons High School
Martin, KY: The Piarist School
Miami, FL: Southeastern Pastoral Institute (SEPI)
New York City, NY: Annunciation Parish
Bronx, NY: St Helena Parish and School
Playa de Ponce, PR: Our Lasdy of Mount Carmel Parish and School
Ponce, PR: Piarist Seminary of Father Jose Mateo
Rio Piedras (San Juan), PR: Colegio Calasanz and the Parish of the Divine Savior
Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America
Macuspana, Mexico: The Piarist Fathers Latin Mission

Pontifical Foundation of St. Michael the Archangel, Gendarmeria, Vatican City State

No Photo Available
Contact: Msgr. Carlo F. Montecalvo Address St. Joan of Arc Rectory 3357 Mendon Road Cumberland Rhode Island 02864-2112 United States Phone: 011 39 366730 2569

Mission Statement: The first and primary purpose of the Corps of the Gendarmeria is to provide personal security to the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. The Corps of the Gendarmeria also has general responsibility for the security and public order which includes all regular police duties, including border control, crime prevention and investigation, and enforcement of financial and commercial regulations. Their areas of responsibility includes not only Vatican City State but all extraterritorial property such as St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, St. Paul Outside the Walls, and Castel Gondolfo. The Corps of the Gendarmeria is getting ready to celebrate its 200 anniversary. Pope Puis VII founded the Corps on the 14th of July 1816. Althoug the name has changes over the centuries the duties of these brave men have not. Many friends and supporters of the Vatican have asked how they can support the various activities and needs of the Gendarmeria. To this end, we have established a way for benefactors in the USA to support the Gendarmeria via the National Catholic Community Foundation supported 501 (C) 3 organization.

Pontifical Guards Foundation

Photo of Pontifical Guards Foundation
Contact: Andreas Widmer Address 5001 41st Place Hyattsville Maryland 20781 United States Phone: 617-331-3071 Link:

For over 500 years, the Swiss Guard has been at the service of the popes and has been watching over the Vatican. It all began in 1506 when the first Swiss arrived on request of Pope Julius II. Today, the Swiss Guard form an essential part of the Vatican and are still responsible for the personal security of the Holy Father. No visitor to the Eternal City would want to miss them. The popes 100 Swiss soldiers are a much beloved part of the Catholic Church around the world and many of its friends and supporters asked us to find ways in which they can support the various activities and needs of the Swiss guards. To this end, we have established this U.S. Foundation. Our friends and benefactors in the USA can now contribute tax free to support the Swiss Guards via this National Catholic Community Foundation supported 501 (c) 3 organization. For more information, please email


Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (Elmhurst, PA)

Photo of Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (Elmhurst, PA)
Contact: Fr. Neal Nichols, F.S.S.P., Director of Development Address Griffin Road, Box 196 Elmhurst Pennsylvania 18416 United States Phone: 570-842-4000 Link:

The mission of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter is focused on the formation and sanctification of the priests in the cadre of the traditional liturgy of the Roman Rite, and their pastoral deployment in service to the Church. The Fraternity is engaged in a number of apostolic activities. These include: staffing parishes; providing chaplains to Latin Mass Communities; operating summer camps; conducting retreats; and teaching. Foremost among its many and varies works, however, is assuring a strong priestly formation and the sanctification of its members. The chief means by which this is accomplished is through the operation of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, the major international seminary for English-speaking candidates for the priesthood.

Priests of the Sacred Heart

Photo of Priests of the Sacred Heart
Contact: Carrie Beuning Address P.O.Box 900 Hales Corners Wisconsin 53130-0900 United States Phone: 414-425-3383 Link:

As American SCJ’s inspired by God’s love, revealed in the heart of Christ, seeking fidelity to his gospel through the charism of Leo John Dehon and nourished by the Eucharist, we are called to live together simply, to pray together and to be, especially among the poor, “prophets of love and servants of reconciliation,” offering ourselves with Christ to a world which hungers for Justice and Peace.

Priory Spirituality Center, The (Lacey, WA)

No Photo Available
Contact: Sister Maureen O’Larey, O.S.B. Address 500 College Street NE Lacey Washington 98516-5339 United States Phone: (360) 438-1771 Link:

The Priory Spirituality Center is an ecumenical Christian ministry that encourages people of all faiths to seek and discern the voice of God in their lives and in the world. It offers a peaceful and contemplative setting for personal reflection. People are encouraged and challenged to know the presence of God in their lives through classes, workshops, retreats and individual spiritual direction. The Priory Spirituality Center is a ministry of the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Placid Priory and reflects the Benedictine values of peace, community, hospitality, learning and prayerful discernment.

Priory Store, The (Lacey, WA)

No Photo Available
Address 500 College Street NE Lacey Washington 98516-5339 United States Phone: (360) 438-1771 Link:

The Priory Store makes accessible religious goods and books necessary for evangelization and spiritual enrichment. Integrated with ministries of hospitality and prayer of the Sisters of St. Benedict, the Priory Store at St. Placid Priory makes immediately available

Pro-Life Wisconsin

Photo of Pro-Life Wisconsin
Contact: Matt Von Rueden Address 15850 Bluemound Rd Suite 311 Brookfield Wisconsin 53005 United States Phone: 262-798-1111 Ext 15 Link:

Pro-Life Wisconsin exists for a singular purpose: to restore and protect the inalienable right to life of all citizens of our state, whether born or preborn, young, old, disabled or terminally ill. We affirm that the right to life exists from the moment of conception and extends until natural death; this truth being handed down by God and articulated in the Declaration of Independence.Founded on the bedrock principle of the pro-life movement- that all innocent persons share the inalienable right to life, Pro-Life Wisconsin educates the public and lobbies elected officials. We are Christian organization relying on God to change hearts and minds toward His most precious creation of human life.

Project H.O.M.E. (Philadelphia, PA)

Photo of Project H.O.M.E. (Philadelphia, PA)
Contact: Sister Mary Scullion, RSM, Executive Director Address 1515 Fairmount Avenue Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19130 United States Phone: (215) 232-7272 Link:

The mission of the Project H.O.M.E. community is to empower persons to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to address structural causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of a broader society. The work of Project H.O.M.E. is rooted in our strong spiritual conviction of the dignity of each person. It is believed that all persons are entitled to decent, affordable housing and access to quality education, employment and health care. The mission is achieved through the provision of a continuum of care comprised of street outreach; a range of supportive housing facilities; and comprehensive service including health care, education, and employment. Project H.O.M.E. also addresses the root causes of homelessness through neighborhood-based community revitalization programs, including affordable housing development; employment training and opportunities; adult and youth education; health care; and environmental enhancement.

Providence Catholic School

Photo of Providence Catholic School
Contact: Meg Walling Address 1215 N St. Mary’s Street San Antonio Texas 78215 United States Phone: 210-224-6651 Link:

Mission: Providence Catholic School, a college preparatory institution for young women, sponsored by the Congregation of Divine Providence, provides a program of academic excellence grounded in faith and trust in a Provident God. Providence prepares young women of diverse backgrounds for the world of tomorrow and encourages them to develop intellectual curiosity, deepen their faith, practice integrity and seek justice.

Providence Center (Philadelphia, PA)

Photo of Providence Center (Philadelphia, PA)
Contact: Sister Nancy Hagenbach, SHCJ, Director Address 2635 North 4th Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19133 United States Phone: 215-739-7465 Link:

Working with the community, Providence Center provides educational and and enrichment activities for adults, youth, children, and families in the Fairhill/West Kensington section of Philadelphia.

Providence Center for Health Care Ethics (Portland, OR)

Photo of Providence Center for Health Care Ethics (Portland, OR)
Contact: Carolyn P. Winter, Executive Director Address 9205 S.W. Barnes Road Portland Oregon 97225 United States Phone: (503) 216-2227 Link:

Established in 2000, Providence Health Care Ethics Center is an academic Center of Excellence that offers comprehensive ethics education programs for Providence Health System providers, patients, and families in Oregon. The Center offers a health-care ethics core curriculum, monthly seminars for physicians and internal medicine residents, ongoing training of ethics consultation teams, special educational sessions on critical issues in health-care ethics, and a visiting scholar and interfaith speakers series. Through the center’s advanced ethics telecommunications capability, it can reach remote rural and urban, national and international communities. Consistent with the Sisters of Providence core values, the center is dedicated to exploring the intersections of faith, science, philosophy, and culture in health-care institutions; facilitating inter-religious dialogue on contemporary issues in heath-care ethics; and bringing together health-care ethics resources for health-care providers. These efforts are improving the quality of care, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable patients.

Proyecto Juan Diego, Inc.

Photo of Proyecto Juan Diego, Inc.
Contact: Sister Phylis Peters. D.C. Address 3910 Paredes Line Rd Brownsville Texas 78526 United States Phone: (956) 542-2488 Link:

Proyecto Juan Diego’s mission is to empower low-income families to be healthy and self-sufficient community members through educational programs, family activities and preventative health services.