Catalog of Ministries
Our catalog is continually growing. It is provided here to help inform and inspire you to become engaged in philanthropy. Our hope is that you will get involved. The rewards will be great.
If you wish to make an individual contribution to any organization in our catalog of ministries, please contact the organization directly. The catalog below can be searched by name, sorted by category or browsed alphabetically.
If you would like your organization listed please use the link below to download the form or contact NCCF. There is no cost for inclusion.
Hope For A Healthier Humanity
To improve the quality of medical, dental and nursing care provided throughout Latin America, instituting programs which will allow for sustainable change in health education and institutional policies.
Human Life International
The Mission of HLI is to create effective opposition to the culture of death around the world. HLI is the largest international pro-life organization in the world. It has worked in more than 100 countries. HLI believes the specific concerns and needs of local communities can be best identified by those who live there. Thus, our world headquarters, located in Front Royal, Virginia, is an educational apostolate devoted to empowering our international leaders and the people they serve. In fulfilling this mission, we strive to train, organize and equip pro-life leaders around the world. While we are completely faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium, we are also ecumenical and work with people of all faiths to advance the cause of life.
Immaculate Conception Catholic School
Mission: Immaculate Conception Catholic School is the only private school in our area and the diocese offering fully inclusive education for ages 3-14. We offer individualized learning for general education for grades PreK3-8th grades. The Immaculate Conception Catholic School community is committed to developing Christ-like minds, hearts, and souls within the Catholic faith tradition by promoting academic excellence and service
Immaculate Conception High School
Immaculate Conception is a Catholic, college preparatory high school that strives, within the context of family, to develop the whole person: morally, intellectually, socially, physically, and spiritually. Recognizing the worth and uniqueness of each individual, we prepare students for life beyond high school, so that as responsible Christians, they will make a positive difference in the world of today… and tomorrow. Immaculate begin in 1925 and has endured wars, the depression, pandemics, and many hardships all to prove that God wanted it to stand the test of time and continue to provide quality catholic education to students who want to be prepared for their lives beyond high school. Our school is very proud of its history, its graduates and its future.
Inclusive Education Initiative-Archdiocese of Washington (Washington, DC)
Inclusive Education Initiative believes that effective leadership is critical to the mission of the Church and the future of Catholic schools. The Archdioceses and Washington, its Catholic Schools Office, and individual schools have accepted the responsibility to include children of all ability levels in Catholic school classrooms. Several of the schools offer programs in which they can meet the various needs of students, while other schools are eager to follow suit. Inclusive Education seeks to address the particular needs of all students, including those who require additional support to achieve their full potential. Inclusive education helps to develop all their God-given gifts and talents.
Insituto Joao de Brito, East Timor Fund
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
The mission of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is to spread the reign of Christ in all spheres of human life by drawing from the millennial treasury of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly her liturgical tradition, the unbroken line of spiritual thought and practice of her saints, and her cultural patrimony in music, art and architecture. The Institute accomplishes this primarily through a solid and well-rounded formation of its priests, rooted in Catholic tradition and carried out at its international seminary in the Archdiocese of Florence. Our priests, conscious of the need for their own sanctification, strive to be instruments of God’s grace through their apostolic work discharged in the churches assigned to the Institute, its schools, its missions in Africa, by preaching retreats, teaching catechesis, and providing spiritual guidance. The Institute of Christ the King operates under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception, to Whom it is consecrated.
Instituto Joao de Brito, East Timor Fund
Pilgrimage for Our Children’s Future funds education and healthcare for impoverished developing world children and for their families. Every dollar you donate reaches developing world beneficiaries; the organization retains no donor money to fund its own overhead and administration.
Intercommunity Mercy Housing (Seattle, WA)
To create stable, vibrant and healthy communities by developing, financing and operating affordable, program-enriched housing for families, seniors and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities.
Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center (Seattle, WA)
The Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center promotes just structures in the Church and the world; with a particular focus on the Pacific Northwest. The Center collaborates with other Catholic ecumenical, interfaith, and other organizations in carrying out the mission.
We aim to empower and equip young Latinos with high-quality faith formation that enables them to become transformative leaders.
Jackson School
Jackson School is a private, Catholic, elementary school sponsored by the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. In an educational environment which instills mutual respect, we strive to meet the learning differences of children in order that each child may experience continuous success. We are committed to providing for the spiritual, intellectual, physical and social needs of the total school community. In all of our endeavors, we reinforce the Gospel mandate, “that all may be one;” and foster unity and reconciliation of people with God, with one another and with all of God’s creation.
Jackson Walnut Park Schools
Jackson-Walnut Park, and educational collaborative sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, is a Catholic elementary school and a Montessori pre-school serving children from 2.9 years of age through sixth grade. Together with our families, we sustain and perpetuate a reflective, spiritually driven, dynamic learning community.
Jeanne Jugan Residence (Newark, DE)
As Little Sisters of the Poor, we care for the elderly poor in the spirit of humble service which we have received from Jeanne Jugan. We welcome the elderly as we would Jesus Christ himself and serve them with love and respect until death. Mindful that we serve the Lord in the Poor, we seal our dedication by a special fourth vow of hospitality. In this evangelical mission we welcome the Elderly in Homes where we strive to meet their physical, medical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. In a family atmosphere we want the Residents to experience being loved, being needed and knowing they will receive care adapted to their eventual health changes. Respectful of their dignity and of the sacredness of life itself, we accompany them spiritually and assist them at the hour of death. The quality and spirit of this dedication is instilled in those who collaborate with us in this mission. At present Little Sisters are in 31 countries with 32 Homes in the United States.
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Aspiring to create a more just and hopeful world, the Jesuit Volunteer Corps engages passionate young people in vital service within marginalized communities, fostering the growth of leaders committed to faith in action.
Jesus House Society
Mission: Joyful evangelization- through retreats, seminars, bible studies, book groups, prayer experience. Spiritual Growth- through spiritual direction and prayer support for and with others enabling reconciliation for those who have been separated from church or society. Hospitality- offering a welcoming, inclusive attitude toward all God’s people expresing the tender love of Jesus for them and a quiet and reflective atmosphere where people can refresh themselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Service- helping others in the spirit of the Beatitudes and the works of mercy taken from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25
John Cardinal Newman Fund for Theological Education (Brooklyn, NY)
The mission of the Cardinal Newman Fund for Theological Education is to provide tuition assistance to seminarians, religious and lay persons associated with the Pontifical Congregation of the Oratory (a religious community with approximately 80 houses in 17 countries) to study theology, to assist seminarians to become priests to serve the Roman Catholic Church and to assist lay persons and religious with theological education.
Joint Retirement Convent, Inc – d/b/a The Villa
The Villa is a retirement Community for Sisters of Mercy and Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart. The Villa provides quality care for its residents as well as skilled nursing care for its Sisters with medical needs. Residents continue their invaluable ministry of prayer and outreach. Residents and staff together strive to create an atmosphere of prayer, mutual respect, hospitality and compassionate response to the needs of each person.
Jonestown Learning Center (Jonestown, MS)
The SNJM Jonestown Learning Center prepares children and young adults for success in school. The Center provides after school tutoring, a pre-school program to ready children for the first grade, summer school, Girls to Women and Boys to Men programs, home visits, enrichment activities and training classes for parents and community volunteers to encourage adult involvement in education. The mission of Jonestown Learning Center is to be a place of educational opportunities; committed to working for justice and the improvement of life and to fostering self-respect and self-esteem for the children of adults of Jonestown, Mississippi.
Joseph’s Home
Joseph’s Home, A Ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System, provides a nurturing, caring environment for men without resources who have acute medical needs, helping them heal and achieve independence.