The Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius

In response to the influx of immigrants from Slovakia to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Rev. Matthew Jankola, a Slovak priest of the Diocese of Scranton, PA founded the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius for the purpose of educating the children of Slovak immigrants in parish schools.  The Congregation of the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius began in 1903 when five young Slovak women were accepted by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Scranton, PA, to begin their initial formation in religious life.  The first members were prepared in the academy and novitiate of the IHMs and guided by Mother M. Cyril, then the General Superior of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Canonical approbation was granted by Pope St. Pius X in June, 1909, and on September 11, 1909, the first three Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Sisters Mary, Joseph and Emmanuel pronounced the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience before Bishop Michael J. Hoban, Bishop of Scranton, PA.  As stated in the petition to the Holy Father for approbation, the threefold purpose of the new congregation was:  1) the religious education of Slovak Catholic school children, 2) the care of the sick and destitute aged in homes and hospitals to be founded for this purpose, and 3) the cooperation in the conversion of Slavs separated from the Catholic Church.

While remaining primarily a teaching Congregation throughout most of its history, the Sisters also cared for orphans in Middletown, PA, and senior adults at St. Ann’s Home in Middletown, PA, Villa St. Cyril in Highland Park, IL, and currently at Maria Joseph Manor, Emmanuel Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Nazareth, The Meadows, and Maria Hall in Danville, PA.  From early on, the Sisters also worked in parish catechetical programs. Current ministries as pastoral associates, pastoral ministers, chaplains, directors of religious education, social workers, visitors to the elderly and homebound in parishes and nursing homes, and related parish activities carry forward the intention of the founder whose commitment to the life of the people of the parish addressed a full spectrum of both spiritual and social needs.  Special interest in ecumenical endeavors has also characterized all our service. We have Sisters serving in these varied ministries in Illinois, Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas. Our Motherhouse is in Danville, PA.

The charism of the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius is witnessing to, proclaiming and building God’s kingdom.  Strengthened by our legacy of faith in God, impelled by the gospel and sustained by consecrated life in community, the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius, freely respond to the Spirit active in the Church in our service to God and the human family. In the name of Jesus, Teacher and Healer, and sensitive to contemporary needs, especially justice and peace, we reach out in compassion to evangelize and teach; care for the elderly, young, poor, sick, lonely, immigrants and wounded families; and work and pray for the unity of all Christians so that the Gospel vision of the Kingdom may be fulfilled in us and those we serve. The Sisters have before them always a vision of the Kingdom that has been revealed in Jesus in our midst and a vision of the Kingdom yet to come.