The Sacred Family


Recently, the Nazareth Initiatives Fund has been opened at the National Catholic Community Foundation to support the apostolate  of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The charismatic president of this council is Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and as the attached write-up demonstrates his global efforts are energetic. The Archbishop is looking for ideas on how to promulgate the Gospel of the Family – especially in the United States – more effectively. Please read the attached article. I will be happy to pass on your suggestions.



1 Comment

  1. Archbishop Paglia and Mr. Dana Robinson are right on the mark with their new initiative to strengthen families. As one who gives talks around the country on St. John Paul’s theology of the body, I find that many are clamoring for tips on bolstering family life.

    One main thing from the theology of the body that I offer them is the idea of taking seriously (or as Mr. Robinson pointed out with the derivation of the word obey meaning “to listen”) or “listening to” the truth and meaning of the body. For example, when parents and children are with each other, everybody can free himself or herself from distractions, helping with trust and true presence. Turning off one’s handheld devise or the computer or the TV allows for a deeper family interaction. Small things like this go a long way.

    Thank you, Archbishop Paglia and Mr. Robinson, for paving the way to the renewal and strengthening of families. -Monica Ashour, MTS; M Hum

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