Giving Criteria
NCCF’s investment decisions are in line with the investing guidelines of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
As a community foundation, NCCF is a collection of donor-advised funds wherein each donor contributes assets to his or her fund and retains the right to advise the NCCF trustees on how and when distributions from the fund are to be made.
The trustees of NCCF will honor any request of a donor as long as the charity selected to receive a requested distribution is a) legally recognized ( a 501 © (3)), and b) is not engaged in activities that contravene the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The trustees of NCCF understand that any receiving organization that recognizes and promotes human dignity manifests the call of the Gospel and is therefore consistent with the call of the Catholic Church
If the trustees of NCCF make a distribution from a fund where no donor intent is expressed the distribution must be made to an organization operating under the aegis of the Catholic Church.