Kicking against the goads

While its significance is ancient the phrase ‘Eucharistic coherence’ has appeared only recently in the life of the Church. Unless I am mistaken it was first used in the concluding document of the conference of the bishops of Latin American and the Caribbean held in…

Catholic Charities West Michigan

At Catholic Charities West Michigan we follow in the footsteps of Christ as we strive to provide help and create hope for those most in need. We are a community-based agency providing a variety of services ranging from prevention and education to crisis intervention. All…

Follow the science – Whither?

Lamentable, isn’t it – the diminished presence in our vocabulary of the word whither? Is its desuetude another consequence of the culling homogenization of our culture, a process which with biting irony is labeled multiculturalism? Or, is it simply a response to time’s ravaging touch?…

Birthday greetings

Happy Birthday, Christians. Today, the Feast of the Pentecost, is the birthday of the Church. So, Happy Birthday to all you baptized members. May the coming year bring us closer to the Lord and to each other, and in doing so enable us to offer…

Family Honor, Inc.

Providing a Catholic framework on the truth and meaning of sexuality, love, and family. Family Honor, Inc., a non-profit organization, was created in 1988 in South Carolina in order to provide a Catholic framework on the truth and meaning of sexuality, love, and family. The…

St. Patrick's Seminary & University

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, St. Patrick’s Seminary & University is a Catholic educational community dedicated to forming our future priests in the image of Jesus Christ, teacher, priest, and shepherd. The seminary’s goal is to serve the Roman Catholic Church in the religious…

Masks and muzzles

Citizenship is a liberal art.  If liberty is understood to be the freedom to avoid natural law rather than the freedom to embrace natural law the term ‘free society’ becomes a self-contradiction. Ruminate on these two provocative concepts which are found in Fr. John Courtney…

Hollow hallowing

“Dumb Ox”. Each time I find myself several steps behind in conversations with our grandchildren I relate to this moniker given to St. Thomas Aquinas by his confreres. In fairness, in his case it had to do with his laconicism and physical size and not…

A Family for Every Orphan

A Family for Every Orphan,,  helps orphans find loving families in their home countries. Recently we helped the Zhirov family in Ukraine finalize the adoption of their little boy, Vanya (2). Vanya’s severe medical needs were not fully disclosed at the time of his…