Every religious culture has its own jargon. Some expressions have pulled loose from their religious moorings and entered our common lexicon. I think of “mecca,” “nirvana,” and “kosher.” Catholicism is no exception. You don’t have to be a believer to call someone “Mother Teresa” or…
Author: Dana Robinson
Inspiring Donors to Invest Rather than Just Give to Your Charity
Are there new models for donors and charities to work together to effectively support causes and concerns? While both donors and charities need one another, they often appear to be on two sides of an equation that addresses human and social problems. Donors need the…
… the voice of God who speaks in silence …
Secularism is on the ascendant. Its comrade in arms, materialism, is more and more aggressive in our daily lives. Both forces purport to liberate while in fact they dominate.
Healing for Northern Ireland
Readers will be moved by the following comments delivered by Bernadette Canning recently at a parish Mass in Wilmington, Delaware, attended by 17 Irish teenagers and their American host families.
Essentials for Our Journey with Christ
After nine years as pastor of St. Ambrose Church in Albion, Rhode Island, the Father Bernard A. Healey recently was reassigned to the East Greenwich parish of Our Lady of Mercy. Following is his final homily at St. Ambrose, a tribute to the parish and…
Why us?
Following is a reflection on the readings for July 14-15 liturgies, composed by Deacon Richard Montalto of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The readings are available in full on the web site of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – www.usccb.org.
A progress report on marriage
The National Catholic Community Foundation is fortunate to include among its trustees Mr. James Coffey of the Papal Foundation. Jim has brought to our attention an important gathering which will occur later this month in Dallas concerning marriage and its sacramental and societal implications. It…
..regardless of race, creed or nationality… and where approved by the government...
In April of this year the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) published a statement entitled “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty”. If you haven’t already done so, I urge readers of this column to obtain a copy of this compelling and critically urgent (pastoral…
The Grace that Lights Our Path
The following meditation upon the readings for June 23-24 liturgies is by Deacon Richard Montalto of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The readings themselves are available on the web site of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – www.usccb.com. Is 49:1-6; Ps 139: 1-15; Acts 13:22-26;…
Sobering Inspiration
In September of 2010, this column informed readers of a documentary that the Salt & Light Television Network in Toronto was preparing about Bethlehem University which, you will recall, is the only Catholic University in the Holy Land.